Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitative Training

Learning new ways to adapt to the limitations of low vision

The Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitative Training Service helps individuals overcome the challenges of vision loss and restore independence to daily living.  While we cannot restore normal vision, we can show you how to develop skills and strategies that will maximize your remaining sight.

At your initial visit, our occupational therapist will conduct an evaluation to determine your needs — working with you in our clinic or providing training in your home.  This evaluation takes about two hours.  We'll develop a program for you that may consist of one to several sessions and can include training in the following areas:

  • Optical devices and electronic equipment
  • Reading, handwriting, and financial management
  • Adaptive computer training
  • Home safety or work-site evaluations
  • Lighting, contrast enhancement, and glare control in the home
  • Cooking adaptations
  • Medication management
  • Visual skills training

Many parts of vision rehabilitation are now covered by Medicare, including occupational therapy devices.